WTS 47M PERFECT NYX (2.1M free SP)



  • PERFECT Damage and EHP for Nyx
  • Gallente Carrier V
  • Fighters V
  • Heavy Fighters V
  • Light Fighters V
  • JDC V
  • Perfect support skills
  • 2.1M free SP!

High-grade Slave Alpha
High-grade Slave Beta
High-grade Slave Delta
High-grade Slave Epsilon
High-grade Slave Gamma
High-grade Slave Omega
Inherent Implants ‘Noble’ Mechanic MC-805
Inherent Implants ‘Noble’ Hull Upgrades HG-1005

Located in Perimeter
No Kill Rights
Positive Wallet
Just consumed extended cerebral accelerator from the event with 6 days duration

Looking for offers 57B+
Buyout: 60B

You’re asking way too much.

Thank you for your observation. If you search for perfect Nyx deals in recent history you will find 10B markup to be very reasonable.
If you still think it’s too high feel free to bid any amount you feel is fair.








55 bil highest bid
will keep this open for 24 hours before accepting

12 hours left

55bil accepted. Please send isk and account info

ISK and mail have been sent

Isk received an transfer initiated. Please check your in-game mail.

17H has passed. I haven’t received any emails or roles. Is the account you transferred correct?

Transfer was made via support ticket, you can find more information in the in-game mail you sent the account info from. should be arriving in the next 24 hours.

I still haven’t received the role, embarrassment

Yes unfortunately CCP is taking their time with this ticket. Seems we need to be a little bit more patient.
I will let you know once they reply.

GM replied, you should have it now.
Thanks for your patience and Enjoy :slight_smile: