WTS 5+ Skill farming character

WTS 5m SP farm character.


Character possesses a mix of level V skills to include Mining Foreman V, Cyber V, and Advanced Spaceship Command V

Includes memory and Intel Level V implants




-Located in Jita

-Positive Wallet

-No combat history or kill rights

-No Jump Fatigue

-1 Bonus Remaps Available / annual remap is now

-Currently Mapped to Perception/Willpower

-In NPC corp

I am for sale.

Offer 5 bill

Accepted. I am at work and will initiate transfer this evening EST. Please send 5 bill B/O to Zinc - O. And thanks again!

If falls through ping me I’ll buy

ISK sent to Eva Isu account. I believe the forum rules require payment to the character being sold. Ingame mail sent with the account name that this character is to be transferred to.


Confirmed. You are correct. It’s been a while so thank you for the correction. I will log in now, initiate transfer, and paste confirmation here.

Character transferred - I used paypal but there was no confirmation receipt like when i go direct through forums. Please let me know right away via this character’s email if it doesn’t work. Thanks again for the clean and quick transfer.

43738057 7/5/2019 1:38:28 AM UTC PayPal 1 x EVE Character Transfer $20.00 Paid

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