WTS 66.6Mil SP Minmatar Dread / Super / JF Pilot + Vargur

2,371,000 SP Unallocated - Super great value! Thats 7.5 Injectors of value, use it to push this toon in any direction. Specialize more in caps or grab a few subcap skills.

Positive wallet
Positive Sec Status
No kill rights
All CCP Rules Apply.

I’ll pay transfer fee.
ISK goes to this character.

Starting bid: 58b

Bump o/

55b offer

Hey thanks for the offer sorry it took a moment to get back to you! Looking for min 58bil

58b offer

59b offer

Thanks for the offers. Leaving it up for 24 hours more before I go to sell.

I’m EU though so your 24hrs ends like 2-3 am for me ^^

We go?

My deepest apologies, I had some IRL stuff come up and didn’t get back home until today. Let me know if you are still interested. Looking for 60-63bil.

yeah sure 60b, lmk and ill send acc info and isk

Send it to Balsas

ISK sent, and ingame mail with acc info sent

waiting confirmation

Account transfer initiated!

Character well received, ty!

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