looking to selling myself.
Born 18.02.2009
NPC corporation
Docked Highsec
No kill rights
Empty wallet
I am just sitting collecting dust so hopefully someone can make good use of me…
Offers starting at 55b B/O 64B
looking to selling myself.
Born 18.02.2009
NPC corporation
Docked Highsec
No kill rights
Empty wallet
I am just sitting collecting dust so hopefully someone can make good use of me…
Offers starting at 55b B/O 64B
55b any lucky?
thanks for starting … want to let the sale run for at lest 24hrs…lets see where we are at then
58b,I will use him well as myself.
thanks for your bid.
As it stands i am still wanting to wait at lest another 18hrs unless someone offers a number i cant say no too.
Then go ahead and sell it
BO Lowered ! GL!!!
60bil buyout,
Ok accepted! Please send isk and accout info.
There is an extra character being deleted and there are still 7 hours left. Can you wait for a moment
send the Isk and then i will be more than happy to wait. however if you want to wait on sending the isk thats fine too but if someone does offer more before i hear back from you then i wont be able to refuse.
In a previous post, there was a buyer who had also sent an ISK, but there were still people who encouraged the seller to breach the contract, and there was a heated argument about it. I’m afraid of encountering that kind of thing, let’s see. During this period, you can choose other quotes, and of course, in the end, I can also choose other sellers. Do you think this is fair.
yes by all means …hope to hear from you soon.
ISK and account have been sent, please check
Will do and will update when transfer has started
Transfer started ! should be with you in 10 hrs.
thank you and fly safe! o7
Character received
thank you and fly safe! o7
Request to close
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