WTS 7 Nags Venal

In 6NJ npc station
Doing 3.5 hull

7 hul price?

3.75 x 7=

will take all hulls for 3.25 per… contract if accepted

Sure, ill strip em and contract em

Still for sale, hulls only

bump, hulls still for sale

hmm 18.9B for all 7


21b for allo

21.7b, contract to carnegie avianson if interested

Sent in game mail.

contract up

Open once again to bids as previous poster didnt accept them

20B offer

are you blind?

No, your offer was just too low. Im not selling em 3b a piece

but for 3.1 you are?

well realisticly i want 3.25b per if in bulk but i was happy with the 700m more overall :stuck_out_tongue:

contract completed, sorry it took so long :stuck_out_tongue: