
Just as the title say folks, I am selling myself.

Some notes.

Fed Navy & Caldari Navy lvl 5 missions both Corp standings at 6+
All T3 Destroyers, HAC’s and Recon’s
All T3 Cruisers.
Gallente Carrier 4
Fighters, Light fighters, Heavy fighters & Support fighters 4
JDC 5, JFC 4

Positive Wallet.
Positive Security status.
No Killrights.
Located in High Sec

1 x full +5 clone with +5 Missile hardwirings
2 x spare Clones - Empty

All located in High sec.

70B Takes him.

New day, new uppage.


New day, new bump.

Allez oop

To the top…


70 bil b/o

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Send isk and Account name to Luke Highwalker and i shall start the transfer process.

sorry for the delay was out allday isk and account name sent

character transfer still has not been initiated. can an ISD please get my isk back…for 70 bil. thank you

Sorry buddy i was in bed when you answered and just finsihed work now.

Character received…thank you