WTS 79M SP allround Combat pilot, spec Gallente, Carrier lv5, Exploration

WTS April Shi

79m SP (8.2m is unallocated)
Wallet: positive
Security Status: 4.7
Remap: ready +1 bonus remap (now max Perception + Willpower)
Localization: Jita

Allround Combat pilot: specialize in Gallente subcap + Carrier lvl5, maxed out Explorer, T3)

Starting bid 45B

45 billion offer

48B offer

49B Offer: Please consider I am actively bidding on this character and would like an opportunity to outbid any highest offer you receive.

50b ready

51B Offer: Please consider I am actively bidding on this character and would like an opportunity to outbid any highest offer you receive.

55b ready

56B: Please consider I am actively bidding on this character and would like an opportunity to outbid any highest offer you receive.

60b ready

61B and I will continue to bid against all offers.

65b ready

retracted, found something else

My Offer of 66B is current highest offer.

66.5b mate

67 B offer: would like to remind seller I would like opportunity to out bid highest offer.

67.5b mate

68b offer

68.5 ready

wow. nice fight here :slight_smile:

Atteding or make sold? XD