WTS 84m sp Fax & rorq & Minokawa pilot

night slammer

In peacetime, can drive rorqual to engage in production, in war, can drive logistics aircraft carriers.

Amarr Carrier lv5
Caldari Carrier lv4.5
Capital Remote Armor Repair Systems 5
Jump Drive Calibration 5

skill hardwiring:
High-grade Amulet 1-6
Inherent Implants ‘Noble’ Remote Armor Repair Systems RA-705
Inherent Implants ‘Noble’ Mechanic MC-805
Black Market ‘Valdimar’ Repair Drone Operation DR-905
Armored Command Mindlink

Unallocated SP: 345,000
Location: Jita 4-4
Wallet: Positive balance
Remaps: 2 remaps available
Security Status: Positive
starting bid 84 bil b/o 95 bil

80b b/o

I cannot accept your offer

selling bump

75b offer

I need a higher bid.

call off

nvm… Free bump

ty o7

60b, 95 you will never get.

70b isk


liberty is me i have sell the toon

still selling

szlling to?

(offer retracted)

still selling ?

still selling

72 B isk offer

Do you accept the price of 75b