Selling myself : Quantum Anomaly
No killmarks
-0.9 security status
Positive Wallet balance
Multiple clones
Jita 4-4
I accept all rules and terms of the Charcter Bazaar
Thank you!
Selling myself : Quantum Anomaly
No killmarks
-0.9 security status
Positive Wallet balance
Multiple clones
Jita 4-4
I accept all rules and terms of the Charcter Bazaar
Thank you!
i am 70b
I offer 80b.
85b offer
thank you for the bids
gonna keep this open for longer
86b offer
87b offer
88b offer
90b offer
I can only wait for a day
giving it 24 hours before i close this
@auto_refoxs bid has been accepted if in the next 12 hours no bids come in its yours
bid accepted! yes online now transfer the isk and email me the intended account for transfer
Thank you!
isk and account send
toon transferred!
did this finish?
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