WTS alt for recons ships, 9.5mil sp (sold )


Selling one of my alts. Was used as jamming support (falcon) , shield logistics support and cyno (uses covert cyno).

No killrights
No personal standings
-0.2 security status
Positive wallet
Located in Jita 4-4

The link is not public

edited, thanks

7.5bil offer

8bil? and deal

oh nice, got a cool name too …

8Bill Offer

would you mind adding a qsna.eu link too ?

DM me in game

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8.5b offer

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will be near pc soon

you can make a qsna link from phone… and if you have android, you can use evanova app to send messages

offer retract

can make a deal if you are okay

Will accept 8bil offer


8 bil offer

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Character received, many thanks

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