ME - 0
TE - 10
Material Efficiency doesn’t matter in regards to this since it doesn’t save you any input materials (low quantity inputs)
Located in Jita 4-4
New BPO is worth 25b so looking for fair offers around this price - willing to negotiate
ME - 0
TE - 10
Material Efficiency doesn’t matter in regards to this since it doesn’t save you any input materials (low quantity inputs)
Located in Jita 4-4
New BPO is worth 25b so looking for fair offers around this price - willing to negotiate
still available
send me an offer
bumpity bump
still available
still available
Needs a good home, make me an offer
buy the thing, make the stuff
15b offer
Too low, make a reasonable offer
bumping for the bump
scarcity is ending, build the big things
bump bump
give me a good home
still available
still needs a home
still available
still looking for a home
still available