[WTS] Blueprint Store **JITA 4/4**

updated stock :slight_smile: more bpc’s just came in.

to the top still got plenty of bpc’s to sell as i get more every month :slight_smile:

price and stock updated just now :slight_smile:

Message sent

New stock added

Contract all the capital armor plate to me

contract jump bridges to me.I sent a mail to u

replied to your mail.

I will take all of your Thanatos and Apostle please.

deal would be great

@DeepSpaceBart contract is up.

stock and price updated

550 mil offer made for some stock in game

Hello Dj Urri can you contract me a bpc of Structure Construction Parts please?

@Mstache thank you for business
@Trixi_Laminer i presume that you want one (1) bpc … contract made.

New order made in game mail, thanks

@Mstache check eve-mail with contrtact and details.

stock updated

stock updated and prices.

production has hit a snag but current stock is correct and available to purchase

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