WTS C3 WH, Magnetar, LS Static, with fit astra

Looking to sell a C3 magnetar, LS static with a fit astrahus and fuel. Looking for 3.3B isk.

[Astrahus ]
Standup Layered Armor Plating II
Standup Signal Amplifier I
Standup Signal Amplifier I

Standup Focused Warp Disruptor I
Standup Variable Spectrum ECM I
Standup Variable Spectrum ECM I
Standup Variable Spectrum ECM I

Standup Heavy Energy Neutralizer I
Standup Heavy Energy Neutralizer I
Standup Heavy Energy Neutralizer I
Standup Heavy Energy Neutralizer I

Standup Cloning Center I

Standup Radar ECM Script x3
Standup Focused Warp Scrambling Script x1
Standup Gravimetric ECM Script x3
Standup Ladar ECM Script x3
Standup Magnetometric ECM Script x3

Standup Einherji I x18

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