WTS C4 2-5 A0 Blue Star WH with 4 Citadels

Selling a Vanilla weather C4 with C2/C5 statics and an A0 Blue Star.

Included with purchase are 4 citadels valued at 13b isk:
-Fully fit Astra with clone bay
-Fully fit Athanor with Hybrid reactions and rigs to accompany
-Athanor moon miner (R4 moon obviously) with rigs and a reprocessing module
-Raitaru with manufacturing/research/invention rigged for ammo manufacturing.

Citadels are in a holding corp, ready to be transferred. POCOs are not owned but are 0% tax.

Purchase includes 13b valued citadels and scanned HS entrance to hole.

25b OBO.

This is still for sale.

The asking price is OBO.

to the top we go

And again

Up up up, to the top.

Bippity boppity bumpity

Is this bump?

OBO means Or Best Offer

Still for sale

Plenty of fuel in the citadels still.

Still for sale?

Still for Sale?