WTS Caiman & Loggerhead

WTS Caiman and Loggerhead hulls.

Current offer on the Caiman is 65b. On the Loggerhead it’s 40b.

They are located in The Forge lowsec.

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I’ll take the loggerhead.

I’ll take them both for 95.

Please evemail me or reply here. Let’s make a deal.

66b for the caiman

I’ll do 100 for the pair.

Thanatos Atheno bid me 69 in-game for the Caiman. Nice.

Charles, like I told you in-game: You’re bad at maths ánd reading…

Your attitude is very poor. I specifically stated “if your other offer falls through”. Not sure if this is a meme thread but if you are actually selling the aforementioned huls. 42 loggerhead.

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Consider the Caiman sold.

Loggerhead still available, highest offer is currently 42b.

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In-game offer 43b


44b Discord offer.

44.5B offer

Wait, you didn’t get that offer from Achura did you?

Nah mate, he’s a known troller, I’ve flagged him for spam. Please overbid with 1b+ increments btw. Highest offer is 45b (Discord)

I’m out at 45B

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