WTS Capitals in Amamake

3x Rorqual 3.2b each
1x Capital Drone Mining Augmentor I
2x Capital Drone Mining Augmentor II

1x Rorqual 3b each
2x Capital Core Defense Capacitor Safeguard II
1x Capital EM Shield Reinforcer II

1x Archon 3.2b
3x Capital Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I

2x Archon 3.3b each
3x Capital Trimark Armor Pump I

1x Archon unrigged 3.1b

1x Thanatos 3.2b
3x Capital Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I

4x Moros 3.1b each
3x Capital Trimark Armor Pump I

3x Moros 3.15b each
1x Capital Auxiliary Nano Pump I
1x Capital Hybrid Metastasis Adjuster II
1x Capital Ancillary Current Router I

1x Moros 4b
1x Capital Auxiliary Nano Pump II
1x Capital Ancillary Current Router II
1x Capital Ancillary Current Router I

1x Moros unrigged 3b

2x Phoenix 4.4b each
1x Capital Core Defense Operational Solidifier I
1x Capital Core Defense Capacitor Safeguard II
1x Capital Warhead Rigor Catalyst I

2x Revelation 3.8b each
1x Capital Auxiliary Nano Pump I
1x Capital Energy Metastasis Adjuster II
1x Capital Ancillary Current Router I

1x Revelation 3.75b each
3x Capital Trimark Armor Pump I

x Revelation 3.75b each
2x Capital Auxiliary Nano Pump I
1x Capital EM Armor Reinforcer I

1x Revelation 4.7b
1x Capital Auxiliary Nano Pump II
1x Capital Ancillary Current Router II
1x Capital Ancillary Current Router I

1x Revelation 4.7b
2x Capital Nanobot Accelerator II
1x Capital Ancillary Current Router I

1x Apostle 4.7b
1x Capital Remote Repair Augmentor I
2x Capital Capacitor Control Circuit II

2x Apostle 4.5b each
3x Capital Trimark Armor Pump I

3x Apostle 4.5b each
2x Capital Trimark Armor Pump I
1x Capital Remote Repair Augmentor I

2x Apostle 4.5b each
2x Capital Auxiliary Nano Pump I
1x Capital Remote Repair Augmentor I

1x Minokawa 3.7b
1x Capital Thermal Shield Reinforcer II
2x Capital Core Defense Capacitor Safeguard II

1x Minokawa 4.9b

Order here or through Evemail

Bulk price for all revs and apostles?


Some of these prices are so divorced from reality it isn’t even funny. Good luck with scamming people!

Given how awful some of those rig setups are several of them will have to be rerigged for any practical use. For the 8 revs and 8 apostles ill offer 56.8b. This accounts for some value in the rigs that will not need to be replaced


24 hours and offer is redacted

bumpin g

bumpin g

I’ll take a 3.0B rorqual if still available

contract up

if you still have the rev with the trimark I take 2 plz

contract up



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