WTS collection of Officer Mods

Cloak sold, other mods still available.

Ill take Chelm’s Modified Armor EM Hardener - 1.3b


I’ll offer you 3b for all 4 neuts (2 tairei & 1 selynne & 1 Brokara)

Contract is up

Idk if i spent too long or, but I am around again now. Please mail me when you put up the contract so I can log in and accept it.

Yes sorry, was a bit too long, I left the contract for a week and then it cancelled. I sold one of the neuts so now I only have the 2 tairei and the Brokara. I’ll do the three remaining for 2.1b. Let me know if you still want them.

I’ll take the tairei ones for 1.4b.

Going to wait to hear from Ms Unid first. Will let you know.

Mail sent

All neuts are sold. Edited to show remaining mods

Still selling, these mods make great Christmas gifts!

Please buy these mods so I can finally be free!

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