As per title
Current stock is as follows:
x0 Price is 35b but throw me your offer
x0 Price is 40b but throw me your offer
x0 Price is 20b! but as always throw me your offer
x1 Price is 35b but throw me your offer
All blueprints & items are located in Jita 4-4 at time of listing.
Happy bidding
A Loggerhead in Jita?! Hook me up!
Reee my bad
1 Like
to ze trop!
Up up and away!
Current ingame offer of 34b on a loggerhead.
A will trade you a officer rolled Gotans Web 22.4km range 60.1% velocity for the 2 loggerhead bpcs
No thank you @Taraas_Enko slight_smile:
1 loggerhead sold!
Second loggerhead Sold!
Aaand weβre all out of stock at the moment, thread will be updated when more has arrived!
Stock reacquired!
Up up and away
Estamel sold
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UPdated with estamel Ballistic control!
Added Dagon bpc!
Added Molok Titan BPC!
Whats the price of komodo
Komodo is current out of stock sorry
Talk through discord?