WTS: Fitted (Neut Support) Bhaalgorn in Stain

On contract in Stain, for 840M.

Price is pretty firm, but if you avoid low-balling, we can talk.

Located at: F92X-1 V - Moon 1 - True Power Assembly Plant

Grab this contract while ya can!

Included with ship:

Navy Cap Booster 800 Capacitor Booster Charge Cargo Hold 27
Nanite Repair Paste Nanite Repair Paste Cargo Hold 500
Hammerhead II Combat Drone Drone Bay 1
Hammerhead II Combat Drone Drone Bay 4
Hornet EC-300 Electronic Warfare Drone Drone Bay 5
Heavy Energy Neutralizer II Energy Neutralizer High Slot 1
Heavy Energy Neutralizer II Energy Neutralizer High Slot 1
Heavy Energy Neutralizer II Energy Neutralizer High Slot 1
Heavy Energy Neutralizer II Energy Neutralizer High Slot 1
Heavy Energy Neutralizer II Energy Neutralizer High Slot 1
Heavy Energy Neutralizer II Energy Neutralizer High Slot 1
Heavy Energy Neutralizer II Energy Neutralizer High Slot 1
1600mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates Armor Reinforcer Low Slot 1
Centum A-Type Energized EM Membrane Armor Plating Energized Low Slot 1
Corelum C-Type Energized Explosive Membrane Armor Plating Energized Low Slot 1
Damage Control II Damage Control Low Slot 1
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Armor Plating Energized Low Slot 1
True Sansha Energized Kinetic Membrane Armor Plating Energized Low Slot 1
True Sansha Energized Thermal Membrane Armor Plating Energized Low Slot 1
Federation Navy 500MN Microwarpdrive Propulsion Module Medium Slot 1
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier Stasis Web Medium Slot 1
Heavy Capacitor Booster II Capacitor Booster Medium Slot 1
Imperial Navy Cap Recharger Capacitor Recharger Medium Slot 1
True Sansha Warp Scrambler Warp Scrambler Medium Slot 1
Large Energy Discharge Elutriation I Rig Energy Weapon Rig Slot 1
Large Trimark Armor Pump I Rig Armor Rig Slot 1
Large Trimark Armor Pump I Rig Armor Rig Slot 1

Did you see this down in Stain?

I offer you 3.50

Eve Appraisal at 875M…
“view_contents priced in jita now
875.75 Million estimated sell value”

My listing is discounted and already in Null Sec.

Go ahead and grab that contract!

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