WTS Fitted Trimark Nyx Basgerin KS 22.5b B/O open to offers

http://evepraisal.com/a/jpalo this is the fitting and all refittings.



20b .

bump. price lowered to 22.5b

if nobody buys it in the next few days I ll sell it to you for 20b


My offer is good for the next hour or so as have made contact with another seller and will be back home from work then and will buy one or the other. Thanks

contract is going up now broski

Cool, cheers bro.

contract up, check if everything is in order, was lucky with that cuz I was just stepping out of home when I read your answer :smiley:

Hey bro, you must have accidentally put 20 million instead of billion, but I’ve accepted it anyway…

baaahaha, j/k

Edit: Contract accepted for realsies though, thanks.

ahahah, not gonna lie , shat my pants there
cheers <3

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