WTS Focused Dread: Revelation, Naglfar and Zirinita and can sit Phoneix (35m Skill)

Located in Jita postive wallet
35m skill
Got Kill Right
Located in Jita
Positive wallet

Going for a price check

Curreently training for phoenix, will finish in 55days for a additional dread. For moros also around 50-60 days. So total of around 120 day to become a only dread skill, full dread toon

Focused dread toon Naglfar, revel, and Zirinita. It’s now or never

Star Bidding 40b. B/O 45b
Will response if there good price…

40bil b/o, cancelled

looking for a bit more

Offer Removed as 12 hours went,

Looking for a bit more

35b offer

more than 40bil is unreasonable

ithink i brought this toon last month, it’s 20m skill, the rest 15m is all by injector, so which, espesically for this type of dread focus toon, is expensive

if you can do 43b, that will be a deal

1m=1b normally

the fact that this toon, a only 35m toon with 3 dread, is very rare.


36bil b/o


will accpet 40b B/O price only 1 day


40bil b/o let me know if accepted before i send isk and info

Waited for response didnt get one so purchsed another and have 37bil ledt so my 37bil left offer stands until i spend it lol

so you withdraw your 40b offer? I just wake up

I am awake for a min do you accept 40 if so i will send isk snd account info

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