WTS Full Set Of T2 Precision Cruise BPO’s

I have a complete set of T2 Precision Cruise Missile BPOs (Inferno, Mjolnir, Nova, Scourge), all 10/20

Looking for offers

highest offer: 300bil

B/O: 404bil

Are you splitting them up or not ?

Wow, someone taking overtime to being extra offensive for no reason. I bet you kick dogs around for not being human …

Wow, your IQ is a lot lower than I thought. Enjoy your self , you legend.

This is a problem that could’ve been solved with a simple email. High IQ.

200b for the the set

What is your highest offer atm ?

in-game bid for 260bil

280B bid .

290bil all


295 Bil


Thanks for all the bids. I got a matching 300bil bid in game as well.

I will keep it open to offers for a bit more.

I am adding a B/O at 404bil, in case someone would like to bypass the bidding and get their hands on this shiny bpo set immediately.