WTS Geri and Shapash [SOLD]


Located in Jita

Geri - 125 B
Shapash - 123 B

Both 245 240 B

220 billion for both, contract me if accepted offer.

Thanks for the bid. Price is still 240 at the minimum.

Public contract 121 B Shapash gone.
It has been bought, so price increased accordingly but still, both Geri and Shapash are available for 120 each if bought together.
Can come down a bit on individual prices.

Still for sale. Prices adjusted again. Reply or mail if interested.

Bumpdump @Calista_Evertrue sent you mail


Still selling. Mail me in-game to negotiate.

Selling still

Mail sent

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Thank you all.
4 Shapash sold
1 Geri sold

1 Shapash left~

How to turn 660 bil into 700 bil.

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My profit on this was like hidden xD I think

Some real inopportunistic ship dumps happening.

You glad or sad? This ain’t a ship dump. I bought these a while ago but Shapash just ain’t increasing with many others quick selling it for the upcoming Guristas/Concord AT ships, so it’s useless for me to keep. I don’t have a big as liquid as you.

I’ve bought up a lot since they seem to have lost interest in reissuing ships.

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@Black_Eagle_Trust you’re so cool!

All sold. Thank you.