WTS High-End Abyssal Warp Disruptors

I have two good roll abyssal warp disruptors, I am selling the first one for 15B and the second one for 4B. They can be found under contracts by “Victor Medvil” and bought. They are located in Jita(4,4).

First one’s stats which is 15B with a 36.42 km range which is basically a Gotan’s Officer Warp Disruptor but cheaper.

Second one’s stats which is 4B with a 35.19 km range which is basically a Hakim’s Officer Warp Disruptor but cheaper. (SOLD FOR 3.5B)

Still For Sale!

I’m interested in the second one (4b). Hit me up in-game to discuss?

Okay, I’ll send you a mail.

Still for Sale!

That second one is about 700m unless someone really cares about activation cost, then it might be ~1.5b


Na, its worth about 4B, stop trying to scam my thread, k thanks.

I’m not, you are by comparing your abyssal to an officer HEAVY warp disruptor.

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I am still selling it for 4B, I don’t care what elaborate stuff you try to scam my thread with.

Elaborate scams like using the commonly used tools for abyssal valuations and listing to determine prices.

Post your point for sale in Abyssal Trading Discord and see how many bite you get at 4b. Better yet ask for an appraisal in there.


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Yeah, and mine is higher quality than the one you linked. I did look at tools like you did and it said between 2.5B and 3B for one of the quality of that one with few negatives, but as I said I want 4B and I am firm on that. If you want a good warp disruptor you are going to have to pay my price cause I am not taking 1 isk for a good roll disruptor, sorry.

And mine is even higher quality than this one which is 2.2B

If you want to get a good roll warp disruptor that is in the higher tiers of abyssal stuff then I want my price of 4B.

So Frog dude, your point is invalid according to your own tool.

Point range is more valuable than both fitting an activation cost.

@Victor_Medvil has big dream with his abyssal modules :rofl: :joy:
Keep dreaming you’re gonna get 14b for that one… this is so funny!!!

Still For Sale!

Still For Sale!

The Abyssal Hakim’s Has been Sold for 3.5B and is no longer for sale.

The Abyssal Gotan’s is still for sale at the price of 14B and I am still accepting offers on it.

Still For Sale!

Still For Sale!