WTS Laelaps

WTS Laelaps




180b offer to set you back into reality

noted, no thanks…

250 Accepted, IG mail send, please confirm.

EDIT: no scamming

Dude never follows up, fake offer

In that case, Still available

lemao, what a mad lad

Gotta extract some entertainment value out of eve after dropping 5500 plex on 12 months of omega for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

what a giga flex

Bump, still available…

200b offer

To low, I’d be willing to negotiate a bit, no less than 240b

Bump, still available…

I’d go no higher than 220 with the amount of these for sale.

a little low, but need isk 220 is fine, IG mail send

210b legit offer!

IGM send