WTS Looking Glass Monocle Interface (left/gold)

How about this, since both parties ( and a party not wanting to bid in public ) don’t believe either are actually bidding in good faith, could you both place a contract wanting to buy the Item to Code Permit Enforcer in game?

I am not willing to liquidate items for this purpose. If you are interested in selling to me I will free up the isk. Thank you.

As of this moment, Dbuke has the highest bid, I will leave it open for a little while longer if anyone wants to attempt to contest.

Aaaand sold.



GG Dbuke the search continues.

Sorry Charles, I take no pleasure in depriving you of this. Best of luck finding another, strange that two have come up for sale in the last few months?

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It’s okay I’ll sit smugly when CCP Re-releases them haha. Only kidding, well done.