WTS Looking Glass Monocle Interface (left/gold)

Looking Glass Monocle Interface (left/gold)

Serious offers only.

Hi, mailed you in-game.

Because of several mails I received, I will just reiterate I am taking offers on this item, I am not going to disclose what I want for it. I have already received a couple offers so keep that in mind.

Fair enough; your call!

Still available.

Still available. I’ve had a couple offers for 500b I’ve declined.

600B offer B/O

I have several tentative offers in around the 1 trillion ISK area at this time, I’ll attempt to sell it to the highest one shortly unless I receive a better offer. If that person does not pay out I will announce it in this thread.

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Keep me posted.

Still Available.

I have a couple of offers in the 1T range still, but bidders have asked proof of other bidders, please post in this thread to confirm that you are bidding and your bid.

1t bid

1.1T bid

1.2 bid

1.3T bid

I’ll match 1.3

Can we share it?

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Can see the headlines in the papers, wife cites monocle as grounds for divorce.

Not eager to have a bidding war unless I am certain the prospective buyer is ready to throw 1.2 tril+ at the item. Please excuse my skepticism, it is a very niche club who values this item enough to pay that sort of isk.

Nice coat btw :face_with_monocle:

Coat is a dime a dozen. :wink: Free bump.

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