WTS PVP/all round Character 77m+ Skill points- mow with Skillq link working

77,086,301 Skill points
1,642,671 unallocated skills

2 Neural remaps available now
Sec Status 1.0
382 Ship SKINs
Member of NPC Corp
No kill rights
No active jump clones and docked in Orvolle 0.7 sec status system-NPC station
29 mill in wallet

Starting Bids 68b
Buy out 75b

Please update the post to include all required information listed in Welcome to the Character Bazaar.

Your skillboard link is not viewable by others. You have to create a sharelink in the SkillQ Settings.

This thread will remain close until you have edited your post with the appropriate information. Once that is done, please flag your own entrance post and we will reopen the thread.

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65bil offer

75B buyout, isk ready

can you confirm the buyout so I can send the isk? :grinning:


Isk send :grinning:

Isk received, transfer started, thanks :slight_smile:

character recieved