WTS Python

With the conclusion of ATXX, White Squall has only one python still up for sale.

Python - 1.6 Trillion

Sidewinders - 200B SOLD
Cobras - 250B SOLD
Concord Victory Skins 12 billion each. Sold

Hope you all have a fantastic day!

Bump and updated to say that we included 20 Victory Skins available for preorder and that both our cobras have been pre ordered. :+1:

Updated to say we are willing to sell our python for 2 trillion isk. Also one sidewinder order fell through so we are looking for 200bill for that. And a handful of skins still available. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

Would you take 12.5b for a Victory skin?

yes, check contracts

Will take one Sidewinder to this character @200b if you still have one for sale.

I do still have the Sidewinder, contract up! Thanks!

Sorry price dropped a lot and I picked some up on buy orders, thanks though!

Bump and edit to reflect that only our Python is still available for purchase. Support a team that won ships in their second AT :slight_smile:

looking for a concord victory skin - please make contract to huskybear and i will accept

Contract up!

Bump and changed title. Only the Python left.

Python Python

Weekend Bump to the top.

Little Update. Considering that two pythons have been accepted into Valhalla and only a few are even available, ours will be available for 1.6trillion for a week at which point we will just hold onto it. Honestly expecting these to go for 2Trillion or more in a year or so anyway…

If next year’s prize is also of battleship grade, then it will depreciate quickly.

Maybe. It’s still a battleship unique reverse Marshall Blackops Battleship. And if it was a special reward for AT20 and they dont do battleship uniques again till AT30 then it will be 3trill over night.

I have not seen cruisers or frigates depreciate because they are released every year. Maybe battleships are different? Now if they decide to give out 150+ of them or the same battleships… As a matter of fact, can you point me towards any AT ships that have depreciated? If an AT ship is selling for less than you paid, you were impatient and didn’t shop around.

I think the price exceeded the normal range. I have not seen a depreciated AT ship, but have you seen an AT ship starting at 1.2t?

Have you seen battleships released during the current isk supply before? To be fair, I did purchase a Raven State Issue for 1.3 trillion over a decade ago. How much more isk is currently in the game since then?