WTS Ragnarok and Nyx located in Amamake

WTS Ragnarok and Nyx located in Amamake
Make an offer here, or pm me.

Rag price?

25 bil offer for the nyx

IG mail sent :slight_smile:

Offering 70 for Rag

70,5 b

71 bil

72 Bil

Thanks for the free bumps, received an ingame offer of 102 bil, would like to get 110.

Bump, nyx and ragnarok still for sale. not taking offers below 100 for the rag.

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I’ll take the Nyx for 25bil if you’re willing?

Ill take both for 125

Make it 135 and you have got a deal.

Nah, 125 is a good offer. Contract to Roadwind by end of today or Ill buy elsewhere :slight_smile:

Price on Nyx?

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