WTS Ragnarok in npc low sec station Irmalin
Just hull
B/o: 110 bil
WTS Ragnarok in npc low sec station Irmalin
Just hull
B/o: 110 bil
evemailed lmk
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Erebus available
Erebus available
uppppppp we go
offer 105 if u can move her to oij free ks.and 100 in the current location
Nope it doesnt move …thnx
not interested in the 100bn offer either ?
i have multiple 100 bil offers and 105 is cheapest offer anywhere
sorry 105 is least i can do.
105 bil and erebus is yours to doomsday
3 x Nyx hulls?
3 nyx hulls are like 25 each … so no thnx
bump up
Avatar Titan Available
Avatar Sold
Ragnarok at Irmalin available hull at 110 bil
Hi i sent u a mail
Ragnarok Sold