🧐 WTS Rare Apparel inc. Concord, Valkyrie & Hephaestus items

1 unit of each available in Jita

Men’s ‘Valkyrie’ Flight Jacket
Men’s ‘Hephaestus’ Pants (desert)
Men’s ‘Hephaestus’ Shoes (desert)
Women’s ‘Hephaestus’ Shoes (desert)
Men’s ‘Glass Semiotique’ Monocle Interface (right)
Women’s ‘Glass Semiotique’ Monocle Interface (right)
Women’s CONCORD Test Pilot T-Shirt

20% under Jita sell price or nearest offer

Serious offers considered

this is a trade forum btw :slight_smile:

Thnks man, didnt even notice!

1 Like

Still for sale!

I’ll be putting more up soon so watch this space!

more added, prices updated

Get something special and let your friends know youre space rich!

Your bum wont look big in this

Women’s Monocle please contract it to me

Will dm you ingame, please bear with me as I thought this thread dead

Thread updated along with price mod, as last update was near 30 days after update

sorry offer retracted for the mono. however can you still send me the price for flught jacket?

Prices ?

7.8b at time of this update

You want all of them priced together or only a specific item?

price of each ;D

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