WTS Some Rare Apparel

Today I’m soliciting offers for two items. The first is a Men’s 'Proven Kybernaut" Combat Suit.
The second item being offered is a ‘Silvershore’ Greatcoat.
Items will be in Jita 4-4.

Buy out prices:
'Proven Kybernaut" Combat Suit: 100 bil
‘Silvershore’ Greatcoat: 230 bil

Current offers:
'Proven Kybernaut" Combat Suit: 40 bil
‘Silvershore’ Greatcoat: trade for 25k plex

How much are you asking for each?

I’m not yet setting asking prices, just taking offers atm. Also could potentially trade them for T2 BPOs with isk going either direction

Bumpity bump bump

lmk when u have price on proven kybernaut suit.

Put a price , stop wasting our time

Current high offers posted

Current offers updated

Buyout prices added

Still here
