[WTS] Stand up XL-set BPO's 4 remaining

OP Refreshed

Best wishes for 2024

Sold some Vargur BPC, rest is still available, feel free to drop an offer

To the top for some visibility, sold some sales ongoing, contact me for actual numbers.

Numbers updated

To the top

Updated numbers

Feel free to contact me

Bump, open to offers

Up for grabs

Will take a fair offer on these

Bump for visibility

The only way is up

Looking for offers, feel free to contact me

Still looking to sell this great XL-Rig set, open to offers

Still for sale

Open to offers, feel free to contact me via Eve-Mail or Discord #q.rush

Python Mine BPO added

Just getting some fresh attention for this fine prints at low price

Please note, Phyton “Mine” BPO, not the new AT ship. Just to be clear

Open for offers on all of the above