- Positive Wallet
- NPC Corp
- No Kill Rights
- Currently in Suroken (High sec)
- Unallocated skill points (315,201)
- starting bid 65b b/o 75b
60B bo
61 BO
Offer accepted for 61b please send isk for transfer
How is this a Paladin pilot when it doesn’t have BS 5 or Marauders?
you’re right…
76m sp = 50b bo
nvm ok
no sorry
will u do 70? if not contact me asap we will come to an agreement ig toon :lokiuytr
yes just go
excuse me? are u the seller?
Sure 70bil send isk and account name will transfer it asap
sir this is a cheat, i will pay 60b for u ,and send isk immediately,if u agree
sent mail via ig
60b bo ?
if you can do 65 bil its yours XI Hong shil
my lord,i can give 62b
i’ll just wait for the other guy to response for 70bil but since you insist 65b i can transfer asap
sir he is cheat ,he take many messenger in the forum,i can see it