WTS Tatara BPO ME-8% TE-18%
For me better write in-game mail.
WTS Tatara BPO ME-8% TE-18%
For me better write in-game mail.
Is this still available?
yes ///
Will you take 50?
No. Only 55b.
Ok. Contract me. Ill accept in 7 Hours
wait 1 hour. i’m make.
Sorry got another one on contracts 5/14 for less then half that price.
I withdraw my Offer
bump up
up up 2
up up 3
ап ап ап 4
bump 5
bump 6
There is a Tatara BPO (ME 6) going for 33b on the public market.
53b for ME 5 has to be a joke right?
for this drawing, the value of ME does not make sense. it is important those TE.
TE very impotant.
bump 04
bump bump
7/18 up