WTS Top Officer Modules

Looking to sell the following:

Chelm’s Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane - 45b
Cormack’s Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane - 45b
Cormack’s Modified Damage Control - 50b
Tobias’ Modified Stasis Webifier - 45b
Hakim’s Modified Heavy Warp Scrambler - 7b
Selynne’s Modified Large EMP Smartbomb x2 - 4.5b each
Hakim’s Modified Ballistic Control System Ballistic Control - 4.5b
Mizuro’s Modified Ballistic Control System Ballistic Control - 3.5b
Unit F-435454’s Modified Sensor Booster - 3.5b
Mizuro’s Modified Tracking Enhancer - 1b

offers also welcome

I am interested in some of your modules are you available to chat in game?

Message sent :chillparrot:


Prices sir?

editted with prices


buy my shiny purples - new modules posted

Still selling

Chelm membrane set price? Is 1 missing?

Yes EM is missing, will give you all 3 for 15b

Mhh tempting

bump + edit with sold modules removed

ill take tracking enchancer

80b for Cormack dcu and tobias web ?

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