[WTS] TSWIFTLINKSCLUB - 25M SP Command Ships Specialist

Greetings, Capsuleers!

I am putting up for sale my versatile and skilled character, TSWIFTLINKSCLUB, with a total of 24,977,627 skill points. This character is specialized Shield/Skirmish command pilot.

Character Highlights:

  • Skill Points: 24,977,627
  • Security Status: Positive
  • Wallet: Positive balance
  • Kill Rights: None
  • Remaps Available: 2
  • Jump Clones: Multiple, located in high-sec space
  • Location: Docked in Jita 4-4
  • Corp: Npc Corp

Starting Bid: 15 Billion ISK Buyout: 30 Billion ISK

All ISK will be transferred to TSWIFTLINKSCLUB upon completion of the sale. The character will be transferred in accordance with CCP’s character transfer rules.

Quantum Anomaly Details: TSWIFTLINKSCLUB

15b offer

You can sell your character on eve??

Yes. You can.

18B isk ready.

Character still available. I am not happy with the current offers. I am aiming for 1B / million sp. I am not in a rush to sell this either. Bump!


20b offer right now

20.5b offer right now

22b offer now

@TSWIFTLINKSCLUB are u still selling? my offer of 22b still stands

pulling my offer as the person is not replying