WTS>>> Ultimate BCS (The Best), Abyssal officer Heat Sink!

Much better than Estamel’s: DPS+32.4%

32,4% DPS


Wow :open_mouth:

daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump



nice dps… but cpu also important especialy for AT frigs
still on sale, all reasonable bids welcome

a new one!

all reasonable bids welcome

You can find heat sink via contract

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Any reasonable offers welcome

Daily bump

Since there were not any offers i presume two things.

  1. No one need them ( very doubt about that).
  2. You probably things that price will be too high. Well i will be reasonable about that.

So i decide to add prices which acceptable for me.
The prices are still negotiable, but don’t push too far

BCS 22b
Heat Sink 18b


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