WTS Vanquisher + Vanquisher Pilot Sold

Im selling a fully fit Vanquisher + awesome named Vanquisher Pilot.(confirming I’m for Sale)
Pilot comes with High grade amulet set + Webrange and all Vanquisher Skins.
2x 98% Abyssal Webs.



ingame offer for the Vanquisherhull 325b.


derelik lowsec , will be moved basgerin if needed
avatar is in domain lowsec

Daily bump , beauty looking for a new owner

looking for a new home

new day new home

And up

bump still for sale

up again

370B B/O. Vanquisherhull + Vanquisher Pilot

accepted send me the isk and account name i should transfer it to per mail

Money sent
Account transfer info sent

isk recieved ransfer started

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