WTS Zorya’s Supratidal Disintegrator and Brokara’s Cap Recharger

Zorya’s Supratidal Entropic Disintegrator 10b
Brokara’s Modified Cap Recharger 1.6b

Offers Welcome

Both located Jita 4-4

Exchange via contracts

Offer 7 for gun.

Offer far to low, thanks for the bump

Bumping for today.

9.5B for the gun. Or both Items for 11B

I’ll do 11.1b for both

Deal! Contract to me please.

The items are reserved and a contract will go up once I am home. Currently on a bucks weekend getting wasted but it will go up when I get back approx 2 days.

I’ll check my contracts on sunday then. Have fun getting wasted.

contract is up

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