Your EVE New Year Resolution

My new year’s resolution is to be more in touch with my own and other people’s feelings. A big part of this will be understanding and coming to terms with what the majority consisting of normal, socially-contributing people want EVE to be, and what they want to get out of playing it. I will do my best to understand that the people who want to eliminate griefing from EVE Online only want what is best for the game and its players, and that they are trying to bring EVE into its third decade in a manner befitting of digital entertainment media in our contemporary, tolerant age. I will work on my compassion and empathy, and will focus my activities on creation instead of destruction, because creation through cooperation is the path toward mutual prosperity, and will lead to a more enjoyable game for everyone.

I will also do my best to be much nicer to older people, like some of the venerable regulars on this very forum. I will work toward internalizing the implicit understanding that such people, by virtue of their accumulated education and experience, have a better-developed view of the world, and this game, than I do. And I will finally break my cycle of obstinance and accept that they selflessly want what is best for me, and know better than I do what that is. Instead of engaging in antagonistic ageism toward these individuals out of a misguided belief that their generation is responsible for most of the evils in the world today, I will honor them by absorbing their virtue and wisdom, and will share my OnlyFans account with them as an act of appreciation for their contributions to society in general and EVE in particular, and to foster an atmosphere of respect and inclusion.

Finally, like in all prior years, I resolve to finally lose 185 pounds and move out of my mother’s single-bedroom apartment, although this is a longer-term goal that might not be accomplished before 2022 is over. I also will not post any more anime girl memes, because that is childish, and it is time to grow up and start acting my age.

Happy new year, everyone!