Note from retired criminal

no amount of proof, no amount of explanations, and no matter how much we would write down, in dozens of letter sized pages worth of posts, there is no simple conclusion which can be pushed into the collective’s mind, or yours.

all we can do, is KISS. We look back at better times and analyse properly. That means we boil it down to essentials and fundamentals.

EVE’s selling point were the social interactions and huge amount of player freedom. the game had no artificial content worth speaking of, for a long time.

The game itself, through the community’s past culture, tells us that …

  • player retention was the players’ responsibility.
  • in farther pasts actual griefing was extremely low (extremists will always exaggerate)
  • the game grew during times of more social interactions happening.
  • highsec local was far more active, in many more systems, which acts as a multiplier. (because of social interactions)
  • the game had the hidden requirement, aka you had to make it past the learning cliff. it literally kept out those seeking plain fun, favouring those who looked for satisfaction.

See also:

there’s more i guess, but it’s not needed for the point, and details make no difference.

How about you just believe me, for once. you know the quality, and accuracy, i try to put into my posts. when i show this post to my friend petar, from bulgaria, he’ll call me autistic af again and congratulate me for my continuous improvement. :blush:

i’m still not convinced of their lack of awareness, but what CCP did when they’ve implemented measures which psychologically prevent, or deterr, people from exploring the depths of EVE’s social interactions, they drove the final stake into EVE’s vampire heart. The primary deterrent, the protection button, and suspect state.

Mr. Mo explains the differences between nowadays and past times above, and also why he wants can flipping back. What he wants, maybe unknowingly hidden behind his request, is EVE’s old culture back. and he’s right! But it comes at a cost! What he needs to do for it, is taking care of retention! Otherwise it will degenerate the same way it did in the recent past, with actual griefers only seeking tears, instead of future-friends-who-I-shot-once.

Recruiting by shooting. :slight_smile:

when CCP decided to take care of retention themselves, they’ve behaved like a government declaring a totalitarian state. the technologically advanced state raises, indoctrinates and brainwashes the future of society. its children. forever. Culture Control Productions.

Welcome to the new NPE, and see also: new fleet PvE.

Over the years, there were continuous nerfs to social interaction, caused by continuous demands raised by a specific group of people, in each and every new generation.

We can look at it from another perspective too, where likemindedly evil people caused nerfs, because they didn’t care about society as a whole. the griefers on the side of awoxers, deccers, gankers. there’s a group of people i call “assholes” (feel free to quote me on that one), and they cover both sides of the fence!

Griefers who abused legit mechanics for tears, without taking care of retention, except when it comes to likeminded people. it was them, who awoxed new player corps mercilessly, without taking the players under their wings. it was the ego tripping wardeccers, gankers and awoxers who, despite having been warned, overdid it as a collective. the cultivated society of respectful gentlemen of low moral fiber degenerated into tear sucking idiots.

I believe that behaviour, which harms society as a whole, should be severely punished. publicly, so everyone knows that “this ■■■■ ends now”.

There also were, and still are, bad CEOs, most often of the bigmouthing carebear side, running horribly bad new player corps. their egos are seeking power, with no actual clue about the game or what to do with it, and no regards for the new players. they did a lot of harm to the game, but the blame was put onto those deccers and awoxers, who actually tried to keep the CEO from abusing the new players.

there were, likely still are, griefers who tell new players that lowsec is a death trap by default, deterring them from entering, despite it being lucrative for new players once they’ve got killed and didn’t “cry like little babies”!

there is social responsibility, which exists in every social system. when people stop feeling responsible for their children, then society as a whole degenerates and “the state” has to take over.

there were times, when this was different. these times passed, for reasons, leading to griefers on both sides of the fence ruining the game for everyone. ego trippers on both sides continuously gave fuel to the ego trippers of the other side, leading CCP to nerf social interactions.

they’re all alike. they undermine everything. they lie, use fallacies, move the goalposts, use passive aggressiveness, QQ MOAR, and outright redeclare definitions, all for their horrible form of escapism. the quest for making others feel miserable, because they themselves feel miserable. and they have a lot in common with totalitarians.

and now we’re at a point where there’s a serious imbalance. a lack of player antagonists who provide content for highsec. and even now, as ganking (and all forms of social interaction in highsec) are on an all time low, there still are people of newer generations, who demand more nerfs, more safety and more protection from ones own mistakes. It all eventually boils down to the removal of social interactions.

And why do people keep demanding?

Because their norm, in which they grew up in, is a more safe and secure norm compared to the norms of the generations before theirs. they grow up in a status quo they believe is “unbalanced” (actual quote), because someone “harmed” them in the jungle they choose to play in. they can not comprehend that it is their own fault. it’s the mind of a totalitarian, who bases his logic on his feelings instead of rational thought. nothing else matters for him, except that the world has to be how he wants it, with no regards for the past, others, or the fact that EVE’s a crippled jungle already.

i’m not making this up. i wish i would.

every new generation, people of a certain mentality will demand a nerf to social interactions, and they will not ever stop, because they don’t accept the already crippled jungle they choose to play in!

and now i’m out of gas… and i hope i got my point accross. took me two 3.44.3h hours to write this down. :stuck_out_tongue:

the TL;DR is that Mr. Mo is right, but nothing will turn to the better if he (he, as representative of all those who agree with him) doesn’t start taking care of new player retention himself. Mr. Mo, btw, does not appear to be an ego tripper.