Returning to game, looking for PVP

Hello and Good morning! I would like to introduce you to Vanishing Assets! If you are interested in exploring the possibilities of Wormhole space, we are a great way to get into it!

We live in a C2 Pulsar with a C3/HS Static. We do have plenty of In Alliance and Neutral Haulers to move anything you may need in or out of the hole…

We have a wide range of pvp activities ranging from Ops, to Roams, to just fun cracking skulls of whoever we encounter, or who’s unlucky enough to run through our home.

Plenty of ISK Making activities when we all want that dank isk!

We are just recently reforming, so the corp itself is fairly small but we have a very active US and growing EU Alliance with plenty of people to have some fun with!

I would love to chat more with ya if you are interested, please head to the link and ping me on Discord :blush: Happy Hunting!

Scorpnet Dotcomm
Vanishing Assets
Expect the Unexpected,
Be the Unknown!

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