1.2m SP 2008 Character

WTS a 2008 character (2008.04.12 16:48)
Name: Ninja Jack
Skill points - 1,287,344
Security Status - 0.0
Wallet - About 1m
Location - Highsec (Airkio 0.9)
No Jump Clones
No Kill Rights
Original NPC corp for a week, 1 human corp (Trotters Intergalactic Trading Corp), back to NPC corp (today)

2 x Permanent Ship Skins - Versus Blueforce (Probe) & Quafe Green Apple (Tristan)

Skill board link - SkillBoard.Eve

Confirming this is my character for sale.

3 bil

Bid acknowledged. Will accept if no further bids received in 24 hours from the time of this post.

im out, decided to just start a new character and spend the iskies on a few injectors…gl with your sale

Thanks @Tessa_Research


Daily bump

Bumpy bump

I offer 1bil if noone else offers anything.

Willing to take a 2bil buyout

Daily bump

Daily Bump

Daily Bump

Eveskillboard is being taken down, did you miss the big yellow banner on its page? Can you edit with the suggested link?

As well as post char location, wallet, kill rights and jump clones?

Thanks for that @TOMtang

Edits made: changed link to SkillBoard.Eve, stated no jump clones or kill rights.

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump