~150mil sp vet returning


I’m part of Yamagata Syndicate recruitment team, I’ve read your post and i’d like to invite you over to our discord for a chat.

We have just moved over to fountain and are now part of Initiative Mercenaries, its a fresh start for the corp - you could be part of that too!

Its a very active corp, chilled, our own FC’s and you can be sure to find people online all the time in the EUTZ.

In-game recruitment channel: Yamagata Syndicate

Discord recruitment channel: https://discordapp.com/invite/5XVQpfq

Recruitment Ad: ★ Yamagata Syndicate - Null Sec - PvP ★

YS KB: https://zkillboard.com/corporation/98115937/

Init KB: https://zkillboard.com/alliance/499005583/

Best Regards
