[EveSkillboard - EveSkillboard
Password 1815
Looking to sell minimum starting bid 100 bill, buyout 140 bill
CCP rules apply
Pilot is in hi sec in Jita
Start your bidding chaps
[EveSkillboard - EveSkillboard
Password 1815
Looking to sell minimum starting bid 100 bill, buyout 140 bill
CCP rules apply
Pilot is in hi sec in Jita
Start your bidding chaps
V33nus 71 B
offer of 83 bill via email, up your offer, the character is worth it
91b b/o valid for next 24h
91 bill highest offer to date
whats your buyout price? im curious
Hi Nie,
Would settle for 100 bill buyout
thats too much in current economy. i can offer 93b, thats over extraction and nothing special on your toon to make it worth more for me.
Your email offer of 94 bill has been accepted
Will start transfer as soon as isk is received
Thank you
sending the isk first thing in morning when im back at pc
Okaydoke, thank you
isk and account info sent!
Transfer initiated as per your email
Have you received email yet cos i havent
Can you check it the account its going to is correct as per your email?
can you give me your discord in evemail to communicate. i didnt get any email
Your should have an email now, transfer is in progress, i cannot log into the pilot anymore
good stuff, got the email
Character sold, thank you NIe
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