171m SP Pilot looking corp

171m SP veteran pilot looking to get back into the game again. Heavily PVP focused skills.

What I am looking for:
-Solo/duo/small/medium groups to PVP with.
-Good solid USTZ (EST preferably)
-Easy isk making ability to fund PVP
-Preferably not null/WH (just doesn’t fit my IRL life usually)

Bonus points:
-Low sec
-Easy access to fully stocked market

My KB (been inactive as I mentioned): https://zkillboard.com/character/302248911/

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Hello rakaz

Ever tried NPC null?

Looks like your really after a facwar corp? if not, mail me ingame plz :slight_smile:

Hey @Rakaz ,

I know you said you dont really want Null but Come check out Mostly Sober. We have a large variety of things to offer including all the things you mentioned above. As well as a great JF group and a FULL buyback program from scrap, to kill loot, to anything you want to mine. Check out the standard blurb below and if you want to hit me up for more i’m all for it.

Mostly Sober is an experienced group of pilots that has expertise in all aspects of EVE but with a focus on PVP. We are led by the outlaw himself, MrChuckNorris, One of the best/most chill FC/Alliance leads in the game. We are Alliance members of The Bastard Cartel, who specialize in quality over quantity and are currently operating in the content rich regions of Tenerifis, Catch, Curse, & Immensea

Fly Safe…Fly Dangerous…Fly Sober…Well Mostly Sober

TBC/ Phoenix Fed & GWCS Bait C02 Avatar and Wyvern

Recent Fights:

Corp Killboard



What We Offer:

Active and inviting Community/Discord/Mumble for engagement, questions, and asshatery

Experienced FC’s and Content Generating Members

Ability to Grow as a Pilot and get Better at the game

NullSec space for lucrative ratting/Ore & Ice Mining/Baiting

Small/Medium Gang Warfare in our strong USTZ & EUTZ

Black Ops Fleets - BLOPS

Alliance Fleet Ops 50+ with lots of small gang optys

Capital Fleets

Doctrine Ships on Contract

Excellent Logistic Backbone

Propaganda Competitions

What We Are Looking For:

Players looking to Learn and Grow/Enhance their PVP experience

Team Players - Mostly Sober is a collective effort

Experienced Content Creating Personas

PVP/Indy/Logistics/Capital Pilots

15m Skill Points

No Alpha Clones

Working Microphone

Relocate and Stage in Home System

A Carefree Attitude

Adaptable, Willing To Train Into Fleet Doctrines

Current/Former Military

Dank Soundboards

Come chat in our public channel MS-Recruitment in-game to

learn more and apply in game and here:

Mostly Sober Application Form

We’re a US/AU TZ NPC null sec PvP group that specializes in BLOPs and capitals (our killboard). Shoot me a mail if you’re interested, join our in-game channel Scotch Delivery, or join our discord. Hope to hear from you soon!

Hey @Rakaz

If you’re looking for a more laid back corp that lives in non-faction warfare lowsec give Filthy Peasants a look here: Low Sec PvP - Filthy Peasants is recruiting

We’re a established US TZ pvp/pirate corp that lives in lowsec Solitude. We live in a great area for small/medium sized fights with plenty of roams through Syndicate and the other surrounding lowsec regions. Our greatest rival in the area is Cavemen. which is a large alliance with a mix of new/old players that provide us with lots of content so expect to fight outnumbered (typical for us). However we have few blues so we fight anything we think we can take.

I can post a wall of text on what we are but check out our KB and join our public channel if you’re interested. Feel free to convo Arctanis as I’d love to chat with ya.

All other tiers are ■■■■ tiers. Fun can only be achieved through winnin at Eve by making sure others don’t. Come to Tama and live in the thunder dome and bring pride to the Nourv Korean ppl.

Join NOURV KOREA PUBLIC or contact Athena Aideron // NOK NOK in game!

o7 o7

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