Hey @Rakaz
If you’re looking for a more laid back corp that lives in non-faction warfare lowsec give Filthy Peasants a look here: Low Sec PvP - Filthy Peasants is recruiting
We’re a established US TZ pvp/pirate corp that lives in lowsec Solitude. We live in a great area for small/medium sized fights with plenty of roams through Syndicate and the other surrounding lowsec regions. Our greatest rival in the area is Cavemen. which is a large alliance with a mix of new/old players that provide us with lots of content so expect to fight outnumbered (typical for us). However we have few blues so we fight anything we think we can take.
I can post a wall of text on what we are but check out our KB and join our public channel if you’re interested. Feel free to convo Arctanis as I’d love to chat with ya.