175 Mil SP

175 Mil sp no capital skills

In Npc corp
Positive wallet
No kill rights
Character located in Rens

Jump clone with high grade crystal set
Two jump clones with mid grade sets
Two jump clones with standard implants
All with a bunch of gunnery/shield implants
Total worth 4 bil +

Bonus remaps available : 2

Starting bid 145 B

BO: 160 B

I bid 145b

150b ready to go now

160b Buyout let me know when ready

As discussed in game Ready when ever you are mate.

ISK and Info sent thanks again

9/22/2023 9:52:18 AM UTC PayPal Transfer Character 20.00 € Paid

All good on this end, so should be yours in 10 hours

Received the character, No issues thanks again .

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